Imi Lo (Eggshell Therapy and Coaching)The Rollercoaster of Love: Growing Up With an Unstable ParentThey shower you with love and empathy for one minute, leaving you feeling seen and cherished. The next, they erupt in a storm of childish…Aug 271Aug 271
Imi Lo (Eggshell Therapy and Coaching)Beyond High IQ: Why Giftedness Is Not Just a NumberWhile often used interchangeably, “high IQ” and “giftedness” are distinct concepts with some overlap. Neither are clinical diagnoses as…Jul 12Jul 12
Imi Lo (Eggshell Therapy and Coaching)The Child They Couldn’t SeeAnd the love they couldn’t give…Jun 21Jun 21
Imi Lo (Eggshell Therapy and Coaching)The Slot Machine of LoveWhen you grew up with an unstable parentMay 5May 5
Imi Lo (Eggshell Therapy and Coaching)Why You Need to Stop. Then Create.It’s not selfish. May 31May 31
Imi Lo (Eggshell Therapy and Coaching)Sunk Costs of the Soul- Walking Away From Narcissistic AbuseDeciding to walk away from a dysfunctional relationship, especially one with your family, and the narrative that you have spent your…Apr 30Apr 30
Imi Lo (Eggshell Therapy and Coaching)‘Everything was NOT Okay’The Mechanism of Self-Aggression and Self-BlameApr 231Apr 231
Imi Lo (Eggshell Therapy and Coaching)Finding Love as a Highly Intellectual Person: 7 ChallengesRelationship Difficulties for the Intellectually Intense and Gifted AdultsJan 303Jan 303
Imi Lo (Eggshell Therapy and Coaching)Gifted and Stoic: 7 Stoicism Strategies for the Gifted AdultsFor those with heightened emotional intensity and giftedness, perceiving the world through heightened emotions and empathic insight is a…Jan 1Jan 1
Imi Lo (Eggshell Therapy and Coaching)Structural Dissociation and the Mask of ‘High-functioning’The experience of growing up with parents who couldn’t offer the necessary emotional support has a profound impact on the terrain of your…Nov 28, 20232Nov 28, 20232