They think they’re breaking your reality
But they are actually sharpening your truth
And your ability to stand by it.
Their manipulation is your crucible.
Their lies ignite your will to truth.
When they twist reality, you learn to stand by your memory.
When they plant doubts, you grow in certainty.
When they blur the lines, you become a skilled architect of gracious borders.
When they create chaos, you find wisdom and your inner citadel.
They think they are breaking you.
But they are building you.
You learn to gain freedom not from controlling what they say, but
From needing others’ approval.
From craving a perfect image.
From wanting to maintain a facade of false peace.
From your life-long good boy/girl ‘niceness’ syndrome.
From hiding your voice, your creativity, your vitality.
The truth might be that
Your clarity terrifies them.
Your boundaries panic them.
Your integrity exposes them.
Your ability to see through them threatens them.
Your courage to be vulnerable threatens their defenses.
You are not losing your mind
You are not just quitting like a coward
You are transcending their game. Nobly,
Honouring your one and only life and limited days.
By seeing through their smoke
and breaking their mirrors
You train yourself to become unstoppable.
Not just with them
But all gaslighters who will come into your life from now on.
In chaos, find your order.
Let their darkness birth your light
And simply become more of who you are.